shihablimon / time

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1 Dateien
Zuletzt aktiv 1739016040
1 1

shihablimon / test

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1 Dateien
Zuletzt aktiv 1739015615
1 123451

Darkdiamond10 / gist:48fba59be36347daaa3151a7c79c4aee

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0 Forks
1 Dateien
Zuletzt aktiv 1738468018
1 hhff

limon-58 / CodeCrackerkey2

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0 Forks
1 Dateien
Zuletzt aktiv 1738429594

limon-58 / CodeCrackerkey1

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0 Forks
1 Dateien
Zuletzt aktiv 1738429485

test5678 /

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0 Forks
1 Dateien
Zuletzt aktiv 1738404918
1 import fun

CardiffDev / X Files - S1.csv

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1 Dateien
Zuletzt aktiv 1738341277
1 Season,Title,Episode description,BBC first air date,No. in season,No. overall
2 1,Pilot,"Dana Scully is assigned to work with Fox Mulder, an FBI agent with an interest in the paranormal. Together, they travel to Oregon where Mulder believes several teenagers have been abducted by aliens.",19/09/1994,1,1
3 1,Deep Throat,"When Mulder and Scully investigate a possible conspiracy in the U.S. Air Force, a mysterious character helps Mulder to differentiate between fact and fiction.",26/09/1994,2,2
4 1,Squeeze,Mulder and Scully investigate a serial killer who has been active since at least 1903 and is capable of squeezing his body through narrow gaps.,03/10/1994,3,3
5 1,Conduit,"Mulder becomes personally connected when he and Scully encounter a young boy who is deeply affected by the disappearance, or abduction, of his teenage sister.",10/10/1994,4,4
6 1,The Jersey Devil,"While investigating a seemingly cannabilistic murderer, Mulder and Scully encounter a beast woman.",17/10/1994,5,5
7 1,Shadows,"When two extremely odd corpses appear in Philadelphia, Mulder and Scully investigate the deaths and meet a female secretary who seems to be protected by a strange invisible force.",24/10/1994,6,6
8 1,Ghost in the Machine,The agents must survive in a building that is controlled by a murderous computer.,03/11/1994,7,7
9 1,Ice,"In an Arctic research station, Mulder and Scully are threatened by primordial ice worms that cause their hosts to become dangerously paranoid.",10/11/1994,8,8
10 1,Space,"When Mulder and Scully are told of sabotage attempts to NASA Space Shuttles, the agents investigate the reports and find that the space agency may be under alien control.",17/11/1994,9,9
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